Big Bertha

>> Monday, March 21, 2011

Finished the "Rollie Pollie" beanbag chair I found through MADE the other night! Definitely the most grande thing my craftiness has had to tackle. Trying to sew shut the beanbag insert, full of said insert.....was a body contorting adventure.

Such a fantastic place for Quinn to sit/lounge/jump onto/snuggle, right? Too bad she's pretty much afraid of the thing. Squirms and starts crying when I try to put her on it. Crazy girl.

Don't let the size intimidate! It was a definitely a beginner-worthy project. Even got to get my feet wet with zipper sewing. Muah hah haaah.

And, hopefully your kid will enjoy it more than mine. : )


Sistahood March 22, 2011 6:43 AM  

Ooooo...yes!! Thomas would love to come to your house and play with Big Bertha and try to throw her in the air toward your floor lamps and light fixtures and break all the light bulbs! (we no longer allow racquetball throwing in our house for this very reason).

Megan March 23, 2011 10:00 PM  

I love how this turned out!