>> Wednesday, February 2, 2011

So, enjoy with me a new milestone of Quinn's.

We've been doing some sign language with her since she was aroooound 8 months or so. I'm sure to her, obnoxiously getting in her face, wide eyed, flashing hand gestures that seem so obscene, is what it equated to. But, in the name of Oregon Trail, we blazed on and forged the river instead of deciding to float.

Started out with "eat" "more" "all done". We're all about eating in this household....getting her to watch us while at the dinner table for lunches and dinners was easiest.

After 2 months of a one way street in communication, Quinn has decided to return fire.

Didn't capture "eat", but "more" and "all done" are definitely there, with a bonus of waving "hi/bye" to Joe in the kitchen.

Warning....the video is a bit long, and can seem a bit boring and stagnant to those not so glossy eye enamored with Quinn. : )


Denver February 12, 2011 7:56 AM  

most recently we discovered that I taught Finn "please &"thank you"... backwards. So if he ever gets in a signing conversation with another baby they will think he is insane.