10 Months

>> Sunday, January 16, 2011

On the prowl you are. Curious little paws opening drawers, closing drawers, opening drawers, closing drawers.

Hunchback of Notre Dame style crawler until you get close to anything you can pull up on. Then you can maneuver from ottoman, to couch, to media stand, to wall, to bookcase, to kitchen island....

Peek-A-Boo is still hilarious. You laugh your hardest when daddy pretends to chase you.

Feeding yourself like a mad woman these days. Your absolute favorite and fail safe is plain ol' yogurt or cheese, runner up being noodles.......sprinkled with parmesan.

Still rockin' five solid teeth, number six has been poking through for a while.

Chatty and a mimicker. You're an ace at "Bababa" "Dadada" "Mamama" and recently added "Gagaga".

You soak in and study any kind of book that has pictures of real animals.

Really? It's only 2 months until your first Birthday.....


Sistahood January 20, 2011 10:25 PM  

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Make her stop growing! I remember when Quinn was just a teeny tiny little thing and Abigail was a zygote that I didn't know about yet. Now Quinn has hit double digit months and Abigail is two weeks old. I wish they could stay tiny forever!