The Dance and Sacrifice Worked

>> Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Got up to a balmy 83 degrees today.

As soon as Joe got home from work, we packed our bags, plopped Quinn in the stroller and walked a 15 minute jaunt to the Hudson River. Spread a picnic blanket my mom made when I when Quinn's age, ate ourselves silly and had a grand ol' time.

Can't wait for more of this.


>> Saturday, April 23, 2011

Rainy, chilly afternoon. Quinn's napping. Joe's at a gig. Making cookies for a potluck. Listening to "This American Life"

Ahhhhhh. : )


Is it summer yet?

>> Thursday, April 21, 2011

We keep getting warm fronts coming in, teasing us of at least spring to arrive. Then the pendulum swings the other way....

But, have no fear! I've been sacrificing goats in the back yard, burning incense, doing dances. Warmer weather should be here soon.

And to prepare, I whipped up a cute little summer dress for Quinn. Seriously easy. And to make the deal even better, I made it out of 2 men's t-shirts I scored from GoodWill. Yeehaw! I coooould have made it out of one t-shirt, but the contrasting yellow yolk around the neck? Yes. It was a must.

Got the tutorial from MADE.

Can't wait to make a few more for her.


Someone's been wanting to feed THEMSELVES lately.