A simple shear
>> Saturday, September 23, 2006
Coco turned from teddy bear to....rat-like creature this past week. Poor guy.
Lookin' for adventure
>> Saturday, September 9, 2006
So, the ever exciting and long awaited for OKC Bridal Expo was cancelled this weekend. *sigh* Joe and I had been looking forward to eating food samples of decadent design, getting coupons for tux rentals and being lured by fancy florists. But, alas, we had to come up with a spontaneous evening for ourselves. Joe worked on building his electronic drum kit, I pretended to ride down the highway in a motorcycle that can go in reverse. We then made a trip to Rusty's and drowned our evening disappointment in custard. Yummmmm.
The UK, round two
>> Friday, September 1, 2006
Soon to be...
Had the opportunity of watching the famous "Changing of the Guard" in front of Buckingham Palace. Sadly, a once daily event, the Guard only changes every other day. Neato factoid of the day: The large hats the bandsmen wear are called "Bearskins," some are over a hundred years old and passed down through family.