*thump *thump *thump *thump *thump *thump

>> Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Had a nom nom light fare dinner tonight to top off our new interaction with Critter. Joe and I headed up to Gardiner, NY to meet up with our midwives for an "appointment", which never ever feels like what we've all become accustomed to.... Dr. Whatever knocks, walks in, looking at your chart, asks questions while somehow never looking up, scribbles some things down, leaks the all too familiar "Mmmm Hmmmmm", and without too much thought, *bam, prescription. Pats you on the butt, and says to call if the meds don't do the trick.

Not here my friends. Not with our freakishly fantastic midwives whom we've grown to love and become wonderful friends with. Our appointments are loaded with quality individualized care, thoughtful answers to any kind of questions and more than enough options for whatever ailment or concern you may have. My family's thorough blessing of varicose veins is pronouncing itself as my inflating body pumps 40% more blood volume. Gross.

We're on a honeymoon with our midwives.

Not to mention, we were able to listen to Critter's heartbeat (and a little kicking!) today. 150-160 bpm. Crazy.

Ohhhhh the miso soup, soba noodles and salmon was soooo tasty.


Sistahood September 03, 2009 6:36 PM  

How exciting! The first time we heard the "whoosh, whoosh" of the heartbeat was amazing. It just makes it seem that much more real - as if your vericose veins didn't :)

Your midwives sound awesome. There's nothing like getting real, personal care from someone who is genuinely interested in you and your well-being. I talk to some of the girls I know around here that wait for hours and hours in their OB's office, only to be manhandled by incompitent nurses before they finally get to see the real OB, who then proceeds to look at the chart the entire time to try and remember who the heck they are. I'm glad you are having a great experience!

alaskafrances September 08, 2009 1:45 PM  

That's awesome that you found such great midwives. Sounds like you and Joe and the Critter ;) are doing fantastically!